False beliefs about ourselves are the delusions which darken the intuitive vision, and when we lift the veil of delusion and see ourselves as we are, thus putting away error of thought and perception, then pain and discomfort drop from us as naturally as leaves in autumn drop from trees. Malinda Cramer
We are“human beings” being what exactly? There is much drama in our society on a daily basis involving all people in all walks of life. We have daily episodes of drama throughout the world and we seem to like it. We all have heard that if there were nothing but “good news,” no one would be interested.Do you think that’s true? Are we addicted to the drama and the victimization of others and ourselves? If so, what does that mean to each of us personally? Are we the Victims of a negative society and do we have any personal responsibility regarding negativity?
We apparently have no issues with talking at great lengths about our misery or our illness or what we hate or what we dislike or what we can’t stand about someone or how awful Susie or Joe behaved or what hatefulness was being gossiped about around the water cooler or other negative sources that we freely choose to allow in our lives. There are many people who find it easy to look for only what's wrong. They have lived around negativity for so many years that they have become numb to their actions and its just part of what they do without any thought whatsoever. They are quick to say what’s wrong with other people, with their lives, their work, their day, their relationships, their conduct, or any of several other examples. Many people start their day by turning on the TV and start their day with the negative influx of comments and then experience their day repeating and adding to the negativity and finding someone to blame…seems like lots of people are looking for someone to blame.
The choice that is always present would be the opposite thinking process, that of a lifestyle that involves looking at things with a higher awareness and different perception. It requires that you see and understand the positive aspects of people and situations - instead of just focusing on the negative. If our goal is to produce and live a positive and happy life, then practicing negativity is not the path. Too often we get caught up with the negative opinions, attitudes, actions and thoughts of those around us finding ourselves “in it” and in the end, we have created a negative experience that leaves us unhappy, depressed, hopeless and angry. Not understanding how we got there, we blame someone else and move forward carrying the negative baggage with us. After blaming someone else, then what?
When people engage in negative thinking are they just not thinking “right thoughts” or are they so used to being the Victim that this environment seems like a comfort zone or is there another possibility? In our daily dramas, maybe we are addicted to the drama and we think being the Victim feels good. Everybody seems to be engaged in the drama and having the same thoughts, so why not join in, right? So are we just “fitting in” and “doing what everybody else does” and therefore we are just part of society repeating what’s all over the television and elsewhere. Maybe we are just not aware of what we are doing. Is that possible, to not be aware? Are we engaging in something that we are not aware of or do we somehow believe that negative thinking and talking is acceptable? If your role became something other than a Victim, would your conversation change? There have been many times when I have asked someone who said something negative if they really meant what they said and the most common reply was, “Well, I didn’t mean it that way.” Most of them were angry that I actually asked the question even though I just repeated exactly what they said! I wonder if there is no “thought” given to what is said sometimes.
Maybe negative thinking feels realistic and it helps us “fit in.” Maybe negative thinking and behavior is a lot more fun than positive thinking...maybe its easier…maybe that’s why we do it. Are we truly addicted to the negativity and the dramas? Have you ever thought about what your life would be like without drama and playing the Victim? What would happen if instead of spewing the negative phrases you just said nothing…how uncomfortable would you become? It takes courage to be the “one” that does NOT engage in the negativity. Just politely remove yourself and see what happens. I have done that before and the results were fascinating and my office became a positive environment rather than a gossip hall. And believe it or not, the people in the office were as grateful and as interested in the experiment as I was. Everyone’s life changed dramatically because the thoughts that were being held and behaviors that were being acted out were transformed. “No Negativity Allowed” became our motto.
Positive thinking requires responsibility and consistency. Our belief that the easy button of negative thinking is actually appropriate, and that it works for us is the mistaken perception that leads to a life of “existence and going along” rather than one of “living and being a positive creative force.” We are what we think. Know what thoughts you are holding. If your life is not happy and things don’t seem to be working out for you, spending your time in negativity is a contributing factor. That is what manifesting your negativity means. We can use exactly the same principle used to engage in the negativism to firmly place ourselves in a positive, productive lifestyle. We are the ones who create our feelings and experiences based on what we think. We can chose to hold and interact with only positive thoughts but as it is, we turn away and manifest negativity by blaming someone or something because we are not getting what we want. We are the decision makers of the thoughts we hold and entertain. We can dissolve the negativity instantly if we can just stop empowering our thoughts of separation and our feelings of inadequacy through playing the Victim. Positive thinking has been shown over and over again to improve performance and the quality of life.
Are you the Victim engaging in Negative thought energy dramatized to the max and joining in on negative conversation every chance you get and living the consequences of negative thoughts like worry or anger or jealousy or are you a practitioner of Positive thought energy that creates a life of abundance that is worry and stress free? Everyday brings new choices to you and remember that the thoughts you hold create your life experiences. Take an objective look and determine what your life experiences are made of. A change can happen in a heartbeat; all it takes is just one thought from you. You can be a Victim…or not.
About the Author
Savannah Blue is a Freelance Writer, a Spiritual Comforter and Motivator, and an amateur photographer and is also a publisher and entrepreneur. She is the Co-founder and Co-producer of
YourElevatedLife. and
Your ElevatedLife Radio Show. She is "Living her Dreams" at the beach with the love of her life and working from home doing what she loves to do...help others live their Dreams!