Most people profess to have a belief in something larger and certainly more powerful than mankind. Some call this “something larger” The Source or The Great Spirit, God or The Creator, Bhagavan or Allah or Jah, as well as many, many other names. Most admit that in their perception the “Source” is capable of ALL things. When I read the comment below, I wondered…do we say one thing knowing that we don’t really believe and if so, why do we do that? How many of us fall into the category described below?
“We humans are quick to be convinced that somehow we are not good enough or smart enough for whatever...the truth is that we have the potential to be and already are is our perception that is not accurate...if God is all that we proclaim then he surely has the ability to create “Perfect-ness”...he does it with other living things which perhaps we recognize like beautiful flowers, plants, trees and animals who just do what they do...they don't have the capability to think things to death... but we just can't quite get there with ourselves...that's what we do...we think ourselves to death and while doing so, we are content and arrogant in thinking that we know something...our ego and intellect are the stifling energies of our true being...unconditional love which is what was created in the first place and is perfect and created perfect by the creator.”
If our true being is being stifled by holding the thoughts that we are not good enough, let’s please reconsider what we are thinking and take some positive steps to restructure what thoughts we hold about not only ourselves, but all of mankind. We have the ability to choose what we think. What really matters is that we understand clearly that we are what we think we are…period. What other people think of us is irrelevant but what “Me, Myself and I” think is the only perception that matters. We know what other living things are doing and we know that they are NOT thinking themselves to death. What are you doing when you “just do what you do?” By getting in touch with what we are thinking and what thoughts we are holding helps to broaden our growing understanding of our thoughts and may reveal new truths that have the power to change our lives. The thoughts that we hold today create the foundation for our tomorrows, if indeed we are gifted with a tomorrow. Each day could be our last day so let’s be encouraged to be the best at doing what we do by showing and being unconditional love. And remember, Each Day is a gift…that’s why it is called the Present.
About the Author:
Savannah Blue is a Freelance Writer, a Spiritual Comforter, Motivator and Life Coach. I live at the beach with the love of my life (my husband) and work from home doing what I love most..Helping others live their Dreams!
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