It is you who must identify and embrace and Love yourself if you desire Love. No one can truly share Love with you if you do not Love yourself. To begin and learn how to Love the search for spiritual truth and self-realization begins with who and what you are. All truth and Love is found within you. Be proud of your uniqueness and appreciate you. Explore your talents and use your abilities wisely to the benefit of all. Remember that a compassionate heart is the cornerstone of Love. When you love yourself and share your love with others, that Love-Energy radiates outward for the world to see and feel. The practice of loving yourself creates well-being, balance and harmony, which leads to Happiness and Peace of Mind. Your effort is more than rewarded when you seek to know your True Self, the Divine Spirit that you have always been. Your desire to seek the Spiritual Good benefits all mankind. So, do your part beginning today. Loving thoughts and acts of Love and Gratitude are a great way to start every day…”I am Grateful and filled with Love for my Being, my True Self, my Divine Soul and I am blessed with the privilege and gift of knowing how to love me.” With this knowledge we are better equipped to serve others and to be the example of Love and Loving. Below are five tips on how to love you. Namaste’.
- Believe That You’re a Lovable Person. Begin loving yourself by looking into the mirror, look deep into your eyes and hold your focus there…the longer-the better…and then say to your Real Self, your Spirit, the True You… “I Love You”. When you focus on your eyes, when you look deep inside your True Self, realize that it is not the blonde or red or brown or black hair that you are looking at…it is not the dark skin or the light skin or somewhere in between…it is not the blue, green or brown eyes…it is not your perception of pretty or handsome…it is the Soul and we all are made in the image of God. We all want the same thing, which is to be happy and be loved. The Spirit is always worthy and deserving, so when you believe you are worthy of good things, good things come to you. Take full responsibility for your life and stop blaming others. Recognize yourself as Spirit because that is what you are. See yourself as the cause of what happens to you. Love yourself freely, deeply and purely. Love yourself the way you’ve always wanted to be loved.
- Don’t Be Judgmental. Stop all the criticisms regarding yourself and others. Treat yourself as you would someone you love. Buddha said…”You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection.” Being judgmental of your life process or yourself in general automatically creates limitations and awareness can no longer move to a higher level. Stop being critical of yourself and others by avoiding comparisons and gossip. Be mindful of what you think and say. Focus your actions and thoughts on loving-kindness and the good that is to the benefit of all. Remember that it's who you are, not what you do, that's important.
- Take Care of Your Health. We are in charge of what we say to ourselves so recognize that our lives are full of pure potential in health, wealth, and happiness. Take care of your body by giving it exercise and good food and proper rest and hydration. Be willing to create a life-style that generates and nourishes self-esteem. Health, contentment and trust are your greatest possessions and freedom is your greatest joy. Our bodies are magnificent instruments that support us in having our human experiences. In our Natural state, the human body has the ability to correct and heal and it is perfectly structured and operates perfectly. Watch it work the next time you have a cut…be patient and watch it heal itself. When we practice good care, we have a daily life experience of living with Ease. The Belief that our Natural state is that of Ease allows the energy in our bodies to transform our creation of “Dis-ease” due to improper thoughts and lack of good care back to the original, Natural State of Ease. The least that is required is good care and pure thoughts and the body will do the rest.
- Know Yourself. Spend time in meditation. Observe and experience YOUR Silence. When you look within and are still, you can feel the freedom from fear and anger and all other negative energies. Use exactly the same principle you use to put yourself down to elevate yourself into who you really are. You are a Divine Spirit. Spirit is Pure and has pure potential and the capacity to recognize it as such. It is important to take time for yourself each day -- time to focus into your spiritual awareness, time to drop the physical concerns of the moment and once again become aware that you are spiritual, that you are Divine, that you are, through your Soul, an extension of the Beloved, the Creator. Consciously generate positive thoughts and feelings of Love for that part of you that is the Beloved…your Spirit.
- Forgive Yourself. Learn to forgive yourself. Make forgiveness part of “you.” You are forgiving to bring cleansing to you! The only way to liberate your mind and emotions from the toxic poison of judgment is forgiveness. All of the good that you do is worthless until you decide to deal with forgiveness. Recognize that forgiveness heals you! Forgive yourself and then use your energy to focus on the love, beauty and kindness in the world around you. Forgiving yourself is about your personal power. Accept yourself as the Divine Spirit that you are and commit to treating others with compassion, empathy, respect and forgiveness. Forgiveness of yourself will transform your life. You will move toward a life of peace, compassion, mercy, joy and kindness…that’s who you really are anyway…really look deep into your eyes…they are the window to your Soul…see the Divine You. What’s not to Love??
About the Author: Savannah Blue is a Freelance Writer, a Spiritual Comforter and Motivator, and an amateur photographer and is also a publisher and entrepreneur. She is the Co-founder and Co-producer of Yourelevatedlife and YourElevatedLife Radio Show. Her passion is assisting others in becoming aware of and fulfilling their unlimited potential. She is "Living her Dreams" at the beach with the love of her life and working from home doing what she loves to others live their Dreams!
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