A true desire is not to have but to BE. We are whole creatures in Potential, and the true purpose of Desire is to unfold that Wholeness, to become what we can Be. As Goethe says, 'Desire is our presentiment of our inner abilities, and the forerunner of our ultimate accomplishments.' ~Eric Butterworth~
Our Pure Potential is present and activated with our first breath as a newborn baby. It doesn’t really matter how much money the parents have or how educated they appear to be or how much experience they have or anything else. All of the babies in the nursery will have the same desire to walk and talk and to feed themselves and to become independent. We give no thought to whether Susie will learn to walk or whether Joey will learn to talk. My point is that the Pure Potential is evident and present in all human beings. We all arrive with the same Pure Potential as the other babies just as sure as we arrive with blood traveling through our hearts and veins just like the other babies. Pure Potential is the Master Plan for Humanity. The first time we tried to walk we fell down. The second time we tried to walk we fell down. We all have the instinctual ability called Pure Potential. When learning to walk, we began holding onto something and easing our way along our paths to individual mobility. Then we got braver and tried walking a few steps without holding on and we probably fell again. Each and every time, we got back up and tried again. And guess what…we mastered our desire to walk and have been doing it ever since.
So, what happens? When do we lose awareness of our ability to have a desire and to achieve that desire…like walking…or is the better question why don’t we cultivate our faith in our Pure Potential? When and why are we introduced to and apparently become conditioned to and adapt to the theory that it is acceptable to stop trying to achieve our desire…why do we come to think that it is okay to quit or that we can’t possibly achieve what we desire? When we had the desire to walk, we had that desire until we accomplished the task of walking. We never entertained the thought that we would just quit trying to walk because we kept falling down. Maybe the key here is that as babies we do not have the ability to understand what quitting means and more importantly, our desire to be where Mama is depends on us being able to walk whether we realize and can think about it or not. We innately know that we want to be with her and when she leaves the room and doesn’t take us with her…there’s but one way to get where she is…we learn to crawl and then to walk. We all did it…each one of us. Our Pure Potential was present and available so we just did it…we weren’t aware of our Pure Potential for walking, among other things, as babies, but nevertheless, we engaged our Pure Potential and we walked. So, again, my question is what happens…I don’t understand why we are conditioned to think that we don’t have the ability to tap our Pure Potential for anything we desire?? It wasn’t like that in the beginning so what happens? When and why do we loose sight of our Pure Potential and where does it go…
I’m just suggesting that we realize and consider our pure Potential again as it seems to have gotten lost in all of our thoughts…rationalized to the point of non-existence in our perception. Many of us think that we can’t or that we’re not good enough or that it is impossible to have what we desire or a thousand other excuses for not moving forward to achieve our dreams…these thoughts are NONSENSE. We have the opportunity to create our experience every day because we are thinking beings…that’s what we do. The Truth is that we are all born with and continue to have the Pure Potential to create anything that we desire. Maybe some of us just don’t know and maybe if we do know, we don’t know how to tap our Pure Potential. I create the experiences of my life…I take full responsibility for what my life is or is not. You have everything that you need and there are no excuses…the bottom line is that you either will or you won’t engage with your Pure Potential and as each day begins for you…that will be your choice. You and I are no different really…we both want to be happy, to be loved, and to live our lives in the manner that creates the best happiness for us and those around us. The only one to thank at the end of the day for your experiences is you. Will you say…I wish I could have or would have done whatever, but…and then you’ll give some excuse or will you say that you achieved your dreams and more? Today is a new day…you will have to do more than just read this to find and engage with your Pure Potential…you will have to do your own research to find out how you can rediscover your Pure Potential. Our website, Yourelevatedlife.com can help, if you’re seeking and interested. Be sure to thank the Beloved for your breath and the ability to create your experiences and to LIVE up to your Birthright, which is your Pure Potential…and then get on with it. What are you doing with the rest of your life…will you be LIVING it or will you continue to just exist? NOW is the most perfect time to pursue your thoughts and to answer this question…Are you a reflection of your Pure Potential or not? Wishing you Beautiful, Creative, Pure Potential days filled with Love, which is your Birthright and The Heart of the Matter.
About the Author: Savannah Blue is a Freelance Writer, a Spiritual Comforter and Motivator, and an amateur photographer and is also a publisher and entrepreneur. She is the Co-founder and Co-producer of Yourelevatedlife and YourElevatedLife Radio Show. Her passion is assisting others in becoming aware of and fulfilling their unlimited potential. She is "Living her Dreams" at the beach with the love of her life and working from home doing what she loves to do...help others live their Dreams!
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