Friday, November 27, 2009

Anonymous Thoughts

A List To Live By”~Anonymous~

The most destructive habit, Worry
The greatest joy, Giving
The greatest loss, Self-respect
The most satisfying work, Helping others
The ugliest personality trait, Selfishness
The most endangered species, Dedicated Leaders
Our greatest natural resource, Our Youth
The greatest “shot in the arm,” Encouragement
The greatest problem to overcome, Fear
The most effective sleeping pill, Peace of Mind
The most crippling disease, Excuses
The most powerful force in life, Love
The most dangerous pariah, A Gossip
The world’s most incredible computer, The Brain
The worst thing to be without, Hope
The deadliest weapon, The Tongue
The two most power-filled words, “I Can”
The greatest asset, Faith
The most worthless emotion, Self-pity
The most prized possession, Integrity
The most powerful channels of communication, Meditation and Prayer
The most beautiful attire,  A SMILE!

Savannah Blue is a Freelance Writer, a Spiritual Comforter and Motivator, and an amateur photographer and is also a publisher and entrepreneur. She is the Co-founder and Co-producer of  Yourelevatedlife and YourElevatedLife Radio Show. Her passion is assisting others in becoming aware of and fulfilling their unlimited potential. She is "Living her Dreams" at the beach with the love of her life and working from home doing what she loves to others live their Dreams!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Wishing You Love, Inspiration, Happiness, & Peace of Mind

Thanksgiving Prayer
~Lama Surya Das~

May the lamp of Love
which eternally burns above
kindle divine fire in our hearts,
and fan that innate spark of divinity into flame-
illumining all, opening our eyes
and consuming our differences,
driving the shadows from our faces.

As Love dawns on the horizon,
may our community awaken
in the kingdom of true communion,
which is at hand always.

May we learn to Love one another better
even than we Love ourselves.

God is great-
may His Grace be made Manifest.

Love is stronger than death…


Savannah Blue is a Freelance Writer, a Spiritual Comforter and Motivator, and an amateur photographer and is also a publisher and entrepreneur. She is the Co-founder and Co-producer of  Yourelevatedlife and YourElevatedLife Radio Show. Her passion is assisting others in becoming aware of and fulfilling their unlimited potential. She is "Living her Dreams" at the beach with the love of her life and working from home doing what she loves to others live their Dreams!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Faith Is A Law

Faith is an oasis in the heart, which can never be reached by the caravan of thinking.~ Kahil Gibran ~

Our topic this week is Faith.  What is Faith and what thoughts do we have regarding faith?  We are focusing on the book, The Varieties of Religious Experience to aid us in our exploration and discussion of Faith.  You can download this book free from our website.  In The Varieties of Religious Experience: (1902), William James offers a sense of validity to the formerly abstract idea of spiritual experience. With an understanding of physiology, psychology, and philosophy, James studied cases of religious inspiration and concluded there were specific aspects of human consciousness that contained energies that could come to a person's assistance in time of great need. The result is what he refers to as the religious experience. William James is also known as the Father of American Psychology and is the author of the following statement, "The greatest discovery of the 19th century was not in the realm of the physical sciences, but the power of the subconscious mind touched by Faith. Any individual can tap into an eternal reservoir of power that will enable them to overcome any problem that may arise. All weaknesses can be overcome, bodily healing, financial independence, spiritual awakening, and prosperity beyond your wildest dreams. This is the superstructure of happiness.”
The character and attributes of the things in our mind become substantial to us because of our Faith. The practice of Faith is to take abstract ideas and give them definite form in substance. Ideas are abstract and formless to us until they become substance, the substance of FaithFaith represents substance, the underlying, basic principle of all manifestation. "Faith is assurance of things hoped for, a conviction of things not seen."  It is Faith when we are fully conscious of "things not seen" and have the "assurance of things" not yet seen. In other words, Faith is that consciousness in us of the reality of the invisible substance and of the attributes of mind by which we lay hold of it, or just as William James said earlier…the power of the subconscious mind touched by Faith.  Faith is the perceiving power of the mind linked with a power to shape substance.  When we practice Faith in spirit, Faith in God and we use wisdom and spiritual judgment, and we add love and express all of these elements together in our thoughts, the results are remarkable.  Some have said miraculous things happen and Faith is the lightening rod. "There is no such thing as a lack of Faith. We all have plenty of Faith; it's just that we have Faith in the wrong things. We have Faith in what can't be done rather than what can be done. We have Faith in lack rather than abundance but there is no lack of Faith. Faith is a law." ~Eric Butterworth~

"The Elevated Eleven” tips regarding Faith

1.  Faith starts with your Breath & Heartbeat…(assuming you will wake…is Faith) Begin by expressing gratitude
2.  Elements of Faith include tolerance and forgiving of all people
3.  Faith grows in Silence-practice being silent on a daily basis…just listen
4.  Meditation practiced daily enhances Faith
5.  Service and the act of giving is Faith in action
6.  People practicing Faith also practice loving-kindness
7.  Believing that ALL things are possible…even those things you cannot see…is Faith
8.  People who believe in a higher power live longer and have healthier attitudes because of their Faith
9.  Faith allows us to use what we have learned to enlighten and inspire others
10. Always do what is right simply because it is the right thing to do…is an exhibition of Faith
11. Visit to download your free book by William James and for further information on Faith

Savannah Blue is a Freelance Writer, a Spiritual Comforter and Motivator, and an amateur photographer and is also a publisher and entrepreneur. She is the Co-founder and Co-producer of  Yourelevatedlife and YourElevatedLife Radio Show. Her passion is assisting others in becoming aware of and fulfilling their unlimited potential. She is "Living her Dreams" at the beach with the love of her life and working from home doing what she loves to others live their Dreams!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Loving Kindness

Let me be free of greed, hatred and delusion
Let me be generously giving, understanding 

and my insight be clear...Let me be free.
May my free heart center be filled with 
Loving Kindness until it overflows...
And fill my whole being and then radiate beyond me
To a healthy, happy aura which no evil thought, 

word or deed can penetrate...I am protected.
From this new found haven of Loving Kindness I send loving kindness to
All beings for whom I have affinity...
My parents, the teachers who have shown me the way, my family
And all those who are near and dear to me.
May they be free from suffering, may they be well and happy.

I send Loving Kindness to all beings of the world for whom I have neutral feelings
People I meet during the course of a day, people who I have yet to meet...
People living on the other side of the world, babes yet to be born.

May they be free from suffering, may they be well and happy.

I send Loving Kindness to all animate and inanimate objects
I send Loving Kindness to the four corners of the Universe; North, South, East and West
All points between both, above and below
A whole Universe filled with Loving Kindness

Loving Kindness to All...Loving Kindness to All
I accept Loving Kindness from all beings without exception

Savannah Blue is a Freelance Writer, a Spiritual Comforter and Motivator, and an amateur photographer and is also a publisher and entrepreneur. She is the Co-founder and Co-producer of  Yourelevatedlife and YourElevatedLife Radio Show. Her passion is assisting others in becoming aware of and fulfilling their unlimited potential. She is "Living her Dreams" at the beach with the love of her life and working from home doing what she loves to others live their Dreams!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Intentional Chocolate: Love the Taste of Dark Chocolate? The Science of Taste & Smell..

Dark, gourmet chocolate is indeed a beloved to our taste buds...but do you know why?

From Science Daily is an article about the science of taste and smell! Truly fascinating - here's more from the article on

"...Most people don't realize that most of what we call taste -- enjoying a meal or a fine wine -- is actually smell," Karen Kalumuck, a biologist at San Francisco's Exploratorium, tells DBIS.
Kalumuck says 75 percent of what we call taste is due to what we smell. "Think about when you've a cold. You've got this stuffed up nose. I mean, what did things taste like? Not so great," she tells DBIS. "That's really because we can't have the odorant molecules meet up with the sensory receptors in the nose and transmit that information to the brain."

You can see how the nose and the mouth work together if you pinch your nose and eat a piece of candy, then unplug your nose while it's still in your mouth.
The nose has 5 million odor receptors that can detect 10,000 unique odors. On the tongue, there are taste buds. Inside each bud could be 50 to 100 taste receptor cells. Each receptor cell detects one of five different types of taste, sweet, sour, bitter, salty and umami.

What's umami? It detects the amino acid glutamate and was added to the list in 2000.
"Most ... have probably experienced glutamate in the form of MSG," Kalumuck says.

Also, spicy foods are not part of our taste or smell receptors ... They stimulate our pain receptors. So people who love spicy have a high tolerance for pain! And taste is all genetic! Your genes determine the type and number of sensors you have, so you can blame mom or dad if you don't like your food.
Kalumuck says you can learn to enjoy foods that might -- at first bite -- taste unpleasant."

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

All Honor to Her

Our hearts send loving-kindness and compassion and strength and a humble “thank you” to all of the Soldier’s Wives for your sacrifice.

All Honor to Her

He offered himself for the land he loved,
But what shall we say for her?
He gave to his country a soldier's life;
'Twas dearer by far to the soldier's wife.
All honor today to her!

He went to the war while his blood was hot,
But what shall we say of her?
He saw himself through the battle's flame
A hero's reward on the scroll of fame;
What honor is due to her?

He offered himself, but his wife did more,
All honor today to her!
For dearer than life was the gift she gave
In giving the life she would die to save;
What honor is due to her?

He gave up his life at his country's call,
But what shall we say of her?
He offered himself as a sacrifice,
But she is the one who pays the price.
All honor we owe to her.

Savannah Blue is a Freelance Writer, a Spiritual Comforter and Motivator, and an amateur photographer and is also a publisher and entrepreneur. She is the Co-founder and Co-producer of  Yourelevatedlife and YourElevatedLife Radio Show. Her passion is assisting others in becoming aware of and fulfilling their unlimited potential. She is "Living her Dreams" at the beach with the love of her life and working from home doing what she loves to others live their Dreams!

Sunday, November 8, 2009


In honor of all of the Veteran's of this great Country, thank you for your service. I am proud to be the Daughter,the Mother and the Wife, the Sister-in-Law and the Aunt of courageous men who chose to serve their country. May God Bless all those who serve.

~Edgar Guest~

The things that make a soldier great and send him out to die,
To face the flaming cannon's mouth nor ever question why,
Are lilacs by a little porch, the row of tulips red,
The peonies and pansies, too, the old petunia bed,
The grass plot where his children play, the roses on the wall:
'Tis these that make a soldier great. He's fighting for them all.

'Tis not the pomp and pride of kings that make a soldier brave;
'Tis not allegiance to the flag that over him may wave;
For soldiers never fight so well on land or on the foam
As when behind the cause they see the little place called home.
Endanger but that humble street whereon his children run,
You make a soldier of the man who never bore a gun.
What is it through the battle smoke the valiant soldier sees?
The little garden far away, the budding apple trees,

The little patch of ground back there, the children at their play,
Perhaps a tiny mound behind the simple church of gray.
The golden thread of courage isn't linked to castle dome
But to the spot, where'er it be — the humblest spot called home.
And now the lilacs bud again and all is lovely there
And homesick soldiers far away know spring is in the air;
The tulips come to bloom again, the grass once more is green,
And every man can see the spot where all his joys have been.

He sees his children smile at him, he hears the bugle call,

And only death can stop him now — he's fighting for them all.

Savannah Blue is a Freelance Writer, a Spiritual Comforter and Motivator, and an amateur photographer and is also a publisher and entrepreneur. She is the Co-founder and Co-producer of  Yourelevatedlife and YourElevatedLife Radio Show. Her passion is assisting others in becoming aware of and fulfilling their unlimited potential. She is "Living her Dreams" at the beach with the love of her life and working from home doing what she loves to others live their Dreams!
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Thursday, November 5, 2009

Fear is Only a State of Mind

Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears. ~ Les Brown
Our show this week was about fear. Fear is only a state of mind and this story as well as the "Elevated Eleven" tips are designed to assist you in reaching "Fearlessness" in your life. To help with understanding exactly what Fear really is, here is a short parable about the "Ghost of Fear."

Once upon a time, Jake and Fear were friends. Fear was Jake’s constant companion, and Fear helped him a on a daily basis. Fear saved him from trouble and danger, and helped him choose the correct paths in life. Whenever Jake would carelessly go with questionable “friends” or make a very careless decision, Fear would butt in and remind him of his father’s counsels and admonitions. When walking right in danger’s path, Fear would whisper a word of warning to dissuade him from proceeding. Fear would also tell him the proper behavior when Jake was in front of the elderly and other people in authority. Fear would give him the ability to do and say only the respectful and kind words to people. Fear would also tell him to be polite and humble when there was a conflict with people he was related to. In short, Fear has been helping Jake and was really a friend. Jake liked Fear’s company.

One day, Jake met Doubt. Doubt seemed very concerned and sincere about Jake. Doubt said his closeness to Fear was remarkable — but alarming. Doubt spoke lies about Fear, distorting the truth that Jake knew to be true about Fear. To make matters even worse, Doubt said Fear was actually taking him in a perilous direction, with Jake being unaware.  Jake asked Fear about the things Doubt told him. They had some discussions that somehow went terribly wrong. They parted ways with severe misunderstandings.  Later, Jake heard that Fear had suddenly died.  Doubt lost no time in scaring Jake about Fear. Doubt said that Fear’s premature death and his unsettled “dispute” with Jake might cause Fear to come back from the dead. Thus, the ghost of fear started to haunt Jake. He would remember the times when Fear accompanied him and warned him of bad things. But this time, he feared the voice of Fear.  The more Jake listened to Doubt, the more he became afraid of Fear. Fear seemed to be no longer a friend, but a frightening entity that sought his destruction.  The best way to “exorcise” or get rid of the “ghost” of fear is to make fear a friend again. You can only use it to help you if you face the truth about it. Your crazy and negative imagination creates your “ghosts.” A crazy imagination is good if you use it to create a “friendly” ghost.  Friendly ghosts create "Fearlessness."  The book of Proverbs says, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.”  Let your heart lead the way...

“The Elevated Eleven” tips to lead you to “Fearlessness” in living Your Elevated Life
1. First and foremost, understand that you always have a choice about how to respond to and  deal with fear
2. Recognize your fear (s)
3. Become acquainted with and know the source of your fear (s) take action as taking action defeats fear
4. Seek the company of and surround yourself with supportive, positive people who engage in faith
5. Focus your attention in the present moment and remember to breathe
6. Motivate yourself; read affirmations and/or books, poems, or quotes dealing with fear
7. Embrace your fear (s) with desensitizing or positive action…exercise positive faith
8. Remember that fear is only a state of mind dealing with past memories or future “what ifs”

9. Highlight your “Fearlessness” in terms of opportunities and possibilities rather than entertaining negative    conditioning.
10. Exert a conscious effort to change and maintain your mindset…live your dreams
11. Consider working with a Coach if you continue to have issues…it is one of the most effective ways to deal with fear or anxiety…for additional information contact

Savannah Blue is a Freelance Writer, a Spiritual Comforter and Motivator, and an amateur photographer and is also a publisher and entrepreneur. She is the Co-founder and Co-producer of  Yourelevatedlife and YourElevatedLife Radio Show. She is "Living her Dreams" at the beach with the love of her life and working from home doing what she loves to others live their Dreams!
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