Monday, February 15, 2010

Love Energy

Eventually, you will come to the understanding that Love heals everything, and Love is all there is. ~Gary Zukav ~

The first of the Universal Principles is Energy. The Journey Addition defines Energy as the basic component of the Universe. Energy occurs in either materialized or non-materialized form. All that we see and feel is an expression of energy. Energy is synonymous with love. When we resist the flow of energy, or love, we experience discomfort. When we align with the energy flowing around us, we feel joyful and at peace. The Bible provides a "definition" for the word "love". It isn't difficult to understand but it can be very hard to comprehend. 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 defines love as; Patient, kind, not envious, not boastful, not rude, not self-seeking, not easily angered, keeps no record of wrongs, does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth, protective, trusting, hopeful and perseverant. If you add Jesus' statement "Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48) it becomes immediately apparent that, if God is perfect, He must "love" perfectly. So His love would then resemble this: God's Love is perfectly patient, perfectly kind, perfectly secure, perfectly eliminates wrongs from His memory, perfectly keeps His temper...and so on.

Everything is energy and all energy vibrates and is intelligent. We are energy and we vibrate and harmonize with all that is. We observe and interact with energy and our attitude toward energy and what we think about energy is the most powerfully creative process there is. Our thoughts create our lives and determine the results we get. Everything that we do is influenced by the energy of our consciousness. Love and the giving and receiving of the Love opens the door to a greater understanding. The purest and most powerful energy that a human can produce is Love. When we reside in the power of Love Energy, we are free and happy and contented with our living experiences. As we experience the frequency of Love Energy, we experience the Truth of who we are. Our perception and awareness of our Spirit becomes crystal clear in that we are NOT a human being having a Spiritual experience but a Spirit having a human experience. We do not have a Spirit; we ARE a Spirit. We are NOT a body; we have a body.

Without Energy our actions are dead because without Energy there is no life or meaning. Anything that is not experiencing the true living of life and love and change is dead. Life expresses itself in intelligent vibrations. Life is Love Energy in action. We are here not just to survive but also to experience the gift of life and to be of service to others. By being the Energy of Love, we have the power to shift energy. We have the opportunity to change the flow of energy through our ability to Love. It's the Energy of Love that is always willing to help and contains pure potential. When Love Energy is recognized we have the opportunity to experience “Perfectness” in our living. For those of us who are Seekers with the inclination to pursue this knowledge, even modest efforts produce measurable results. For those who pursue this study with determination and passion, the journey can be life transforming.

Love Energy is always present and is for the highest benefit of all. If every human being recognized the Power of the Energy of Love, all consciousness on earth would be lifted instantly. Love Energy is the Truth of our humanity. When we exchange Universal or Unconditional Energy in the form of Love we allow our hearts to graciously receive Love Energy in return. This exchange is Life as the Creator intended. Our thoughts create a powerful magnet that draws similar energy into our field of vibration. The longer we are able to focus on positive thoughts, the more powerful the positive energy around us becomes.

The Energy of Love is the only thing we need to solve any problem that we may have. The conscious act of Purifying our Thoughts, Seeking Understanding, Having Faith and Believing can change the course of our life experiences. There is an opportunity that is available every second of every minute through Unconditional Love Energy for humanity to be lifted into Higher Spiritual Awareness and to experience our True Divine Spirit, our True Nature. That’s why we’re here…the Purpose of Life is to become Spiritually aware of what we REALLY are…Life is for living, not merely existing. When we seek understanding, our Soul supports us in uncovering our Power. Love Energy is the way of nature and the way the Creator intended us to BE. Love Energy is Perfect and is the result of The Source of all Creation and the nurturing of the Divine Mother. With Love Energy, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE. Namaste.

About the Author: Savannah Blue is a Freelance Writer, a Spiritual Comforter and Motivator, and an amateur photographer and is also a publisher and entrepreneur. She is the Co-founder and Co-producer of Yourelevatedlife and YourElevatedLife Radio Show. Her passion is assisting others in becoming aware of and fulfilling their unlimited potential. She is "Living her Dreams" at the beach with the love of her life and working from home doing what she loves to others live their Dreams!

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