Jay and his team did serve food with a smile and a tenderness of heart as they reached out to the many people in need of food and assistance. Later in the process, Jay became aware that the items of clothing that were offered did not meet the needs of the people. There weren’t very many clothes to begin with and what was there was not sufficient to help in the hot summer weather. There were no t-shirts or shorts or any summer clothing at all. Jay lives in an area where the temperature during summer can reach 100 degrees or better daily.
At the end of the day, Jay was in his closet gathering anything and everything “summerish” he could get his hands on and his team members were doing likewise. By the time he was finished he had completely filled the back of his SUV. The next day he called Brother Joe at Compassion Today to tell him they were bringing clothes and supplies. Brother Joe was very appreciative and said they were just discussing how the "plates and cups" cost was really eating up their budget with the high numbers they were feeding. Jay just smiled and told Brother Joe, “We have already purchased 700 plates and 2000 cups for you.” Jay considered the pre-purchase to be a direct intervention from God and I say that this is what happens when living yourelevatedlife.
When he was there unloading the clothing and supplies, he met a woman who shared her story with him. Jay said she was very upbeat and full of excitement yet humble beyond description as she related to him that she and her husband had both lost their jobs and were truly between a rock and a hard place and how grateful they were to have a place like Compassion Today to come to for help. This woman had a certain sweetness about her and a “life of the party-everything is going to be okay” attitude that was full of kindness and gratitude. She told Jay that she and her husband both had interviews for jobs and the future was looking bright. She related other personal details of her journey that tugged at Jay’s heart. In that precious moment, the Spirit of Jay’s mother came forward and the hearts of those present were graced with the unconditional loving kindness of God.
”I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink'...Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry and gave you food, or thirsty and gave you something to drink? Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.” Matthew 25:35-40
About the Author:
Savannah Blue is a Freelance Writer, a Spiritual Comforter, Motivator and Life Coach. I live at the beach with the love of my life (my husband) and work from home doing what I love most..Helping others live their Dreams!
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