I started my day very early in the morning by going to the beach. I love the beach and I go there often. The beach is my paradise. My favorite thing to do at the beach is stand where the waves meet the sand and experience the shifting under my feet as the tide moves the sand slowly back into the ocean. I love to feel that energy. It’s like a sweet touch directly from God in that it is powerful yet gentle and loving.
On this particular day, I was sitting in my beach chair just enjoying the beautiful day and I began to meditate like I had done so many times before. I was listening to the rhythm of the waves when so subtly I became acutely aware of the Silence between the waves. My mind was still and quiet and in the Silence, I felt the ocean in a way that words could never describe. I had been to the beach hundreds of times and had meditated often, but on this day the Silence and my spirit became one in a way that captured my heart and loved my soul. In this Silence between the waves, rests complete calm and serenity. Some call it bliss. I felt the unmistakable essence of spirit or connectedness; an inner sense that I was not a random, isolated creature but part of something sacred and infinitely larger than myself. I discovered my heart’s desire in the form of power, substance, and strength and in that present moment, I gained a clear understanding that God’s blessings are abundant and with me everywhere all of the time. Contact with the center of peace, the Silence, within me became the catalyst for my clear and precise understanding of God’s love for all humankind. The Silence was my elevator of understanding. My perception changed instantly that day and my awareness has continued to grow. The experience of finding God in the Silence that day has become my daily experience of finding God everywhere and in everything. Once I felt the “Presence” in the Silence, and understand clearly…it is felt… my heart’s desire was and is to continue to seek the Silence and just “Be” what I was created to be. Deepak Chopra said that each of us is here to discover our true Self and that essentially we are spiritual beings who have taken manifestation in physical form. We are not human beings that have occasional spiritual experiences…we are spiritual beings that have occasional human experiences.
I encourage everyone to take the time to find the Silence. We are the same in that we all have the potential to connect with the Silence. In the Silence there is a love that cannot be denied and an energy that, once felt, is longed for. This love experience that can happen in an instant changes lives and is the driving force that leads to the recognition of God’s Omnipresence.
About the Author:
Savannah Blue is a Freelance Writer, a Spiritual Comforter and Motivator, and an Amateur Photographer. She is the Co-founder and Co-producer of YourElevatedLife.com and the Your Elevatedlife radio Show. She is "Living her Dreams" at the beach with the love of her life and working from home doing what she loves to do...help others live their Dreams!
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