If your life is full of happiness and fulfilling and is everything that your heart desires then this will simply be an affirmation for you. On the other hand, if your life is full of worry, agony, heartache, nervous anticipation, sorrow or regret, then becoming aware of what thoughts you are holding has the potential to help you re-create your life experience. If we practice a lifestyle that is positive thought and action laced with loving energy, compassion, empathetic understanding, and kindness in each and every action then our reality will reflect the same. We create where we are and who we are by what we think. We can laugh or we can cry. We can enjoy ourselves or we can be miserable. Only you make the choices of the thoughts that your mind entertains.
Now that we know that we create the world around us by our thoughts and beliefs, and our perceptions of events and we know that we have the ability and the power to improve on our experiences, understand that it is simply a matter of choice. When we create new thoughts or different perceptions we have the ability to peacefully and perfectly change our life experiences. If we wish a peaceful life experience we must perceive truth and speak it. We must be aware of our thoughts and if our thoughts are not ones that include our heart’s desire, simply refuse those thoughts. You are the one and only one in control of your thoughts so take responsibility and be aware that you can change what you are thinking. If you accept this concept then you cannot blame anyone else for the results produced by your thoughts. At any moment you can choose to create a different reality for you by simply being aware and making choices. We make choices all day every day and it appears that for some it’s easier to blame someone else for our perception of well being and happiness. Only you have the power to create your thoughts and if you are not happy and your life is not what you want, it’s because of the thoughts you hold. Change the thoughts that you are holding and your life experience will change. The “reality” is this…it’s not someone else, it’s you…it’s not where they are, it’s right here, right now with you…it’s not back then or in the future, it’s NOW.
If our ultimate objective is to discover our true Self then that discovery requires that we know what we are thinking. If we can accept that, then we are able to live our lives fully and that can be a liberating and an empowering experience. Our minds are the most powerful tool that we possess. Anything we desire is ours for the “thinking.” We must believe it is possible to exert power over our own thoughts and we must learn to control our thoughts in order to control our experiences or conditions. With clarity of our thoughts, visions and beliefs, we can turn our thoughts into our desired “reality.” When we have desires we can be specific, we can visualize our desires, we can believe that our desires can become our reality, and finally we can take action. Making positive, conscious choices regarding our reality and the thoughts we hold is truly the key to creating balance and harmony in our “reality”. Take the time to really find out what the 650,000 daily thoughts that you are thinking are all about? You may be surprised and I will guarantee you that once you take your thought inventory, you will make some “thinking changes”!!
About the Author:
Savannah Blue is a Freelance Writer, a Spiritual Comforter and Motivator, and an amateur photographer and is also a publisher and entrepreneur. She is the Co-founder and Co-producer of YourElevatedLife. and Your ElevatedLife Radio Show. She is "Living her Dreams" at the beach with the love of her life and working from home doing what she loves to do...help others live their Dreams!
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